British Colonial Expansion, Imperial Endeavor, Illuminated Territories, Global Ambitions, Formative, Influential.
“God gives not kings the style of gods in vain,
For on His Throne His sceptre do they sway;
And as their subjects ought them to obey,
So kings should fear and serve their God again.
If then ye would enjoy a happy reign,
Observe the statutes of your Heavenly King,
And from His Law make all your laws to spring,
Since His lieutenant here ye should remain:
Reward the just; be steadfast, true, and plain;
Repress the proud, maintaining aye the right;
Walk always so as ever in His sight,
Who guards the godly, plaguing the profane,
And so ye shall in princely virtues shine,
Resembling right your mighty king divine.”~ James VI of Scotland and I of England (Charles James Stuart); His Majesty’s Instructions to His Dearest Son, Henry the Prince (1603)
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